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Makeup og klageblogg Monday Poll, vol. 388

You might be wondering, “So what in tarnation is this Monday Poll thing anyway!?”

Vel, det er ikke akkurat en meningsmåling. It’s a lot more of a regularly evolving (devolving?), somewhat random list of questions I’ve been putting out to readers every Monday morning for the past seven years. (Det er som en kickstart for hjernen din.) Jeg har alltid gjort glede i å lese svarene dine i kommentarene, og jeg håper du gleder deg til å lese min.

Are you a lot more polished or punk rock?
Polished, for sure.

But I think there’s a little punk rocky part of me waiting to come out one of these days, upon which she will start a revolution.

Houndstooth or leopard print?
I feel like it would breach a sacred covenant of cat lady-dom to say anything but leopard print, but it’s leopard print…


Bun or braids?
Braids please! — preferably messy ones.

When was the last time you wore false lashes?
Just last week. I’m still clawing and scratching my way outta my makeup rut, and I thought that putting on a pair of Eylure 117s would help.

They did, but I haven’t worn falsies in months, so it took longer than usual… I’m out of practice.

It’s a perishable skill, you know, false lash application? You gotta do it regularly, or else the muscle memory thing with all the atrophy and stuff. Samme det.

Something that made you laugh over the weekend?
Not just laugh. I cracked up for 20 minutes!

I was doing some cleaning when I struck gold. I came across some old handwritten notes that my friend Jen and I passed back and forth in high school band. The notes were buried in a random file folder labeled “Misc stuff that I’m holding onto for god knows what,” which, now that I think about it, was a best label for that file.

Jen and I used to sit next to each other in band and would pass written notes back and forth to each other during rehearsal, and we did this nearly every day for years.

One of the notes was written shortly after we’d gone on a double-date with two brothers from school (we went to a musical; I think it was Camelot), and the note was about how the date went, and how were were enamored with these kids (SO LAME). There were also random references to Whitney Houston and Bobby Brown, and wanting to read so-and-so’s letter to so-and-so.

Just the mundane but now humorous stuff from the minds of two 17-year-old girls.


Din tur. Bare kopier og lim inn følgende spørsmål til en kommentar med svarene dine. Jeg gleder meg til å lese dem!

1. Are you a lot more polished or punk rock?
2. Houndstooth or leopard print?
3. Bun or braids?
4. Last time you wore false lashes?
5. Something that made you laugh over the weekend?


Katter og sminke Sweatshirt ??

$ 42.

Handle nå

Good morning to you, my friend! delighted Monday. It’s the last day of August, and it feels a little bittersweet to me. Where did the summer go?

My main goal for today is pretty unambitious. I just want smooth sailing. low anxiety — not that I’m feeling particularly anxious or anything. I’m just not in the mood to stress.


So my wish for you (and for myself) is to have a peaceful, productive day.

Din vennlige nabolag appellavhengige,


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